Monday, December 27, 2010

The Vertical Self

For the most part I enjoyed where this book intended to go, and from time to time the author just seemed prone to wander into vagueness. At times, there is much more depth than one might find in a short, paperback book, so that was a pleasant surprise. The authors intent to move the reader from a place of finding value through the eyes of the everyday culture, to finding purpose and identity in the image of Jesus is very much needed today. I found the author spot on in pinpointing that far too many people are driven by the desire to imitate and impress the culture at large, and in the end grade themselves by those measurements. The author shares some great stories, but sometimes drifts off and his point occasionally becomes foggy. I do wonder if people's desire to live the vertical life might get lost in the desire to find THEIR purpose rather than being content with experiencing the risen Jesus. Encourage you to pick it up in your local book store, browse through it, and if it strikes a nerve, then I imagine you won't be disappointed.

Giddy Up!

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